Application for Hearing Aid Assistance
Hearing AidS
For questions about hearing aids please reach out to the Hearing Committee hearing@ectlions.org
Hearing aids may be collected through the Eyeglasses Collection boxes: If you'd like to put a sticker on your Eyeglass Collection box, please click here.
Also, for handouts, see below. They may be printed and distributed where you already have boxes, as well as other places

Hearing Aid Collection
Members of the Hearing Preservation Committee will be collecting used hearing aids at the Eyeglass Extravaganza on Saturday, April 27th.
Starkey, the hearing aid company that the District has contracted with to supply hearing aids, has agreed to take those devices and evaluate them to see if there are any usable parts. The district will get credit for any parts that can be recycled. That credit can be used to offset the cost of hearing aids in the future.
So, continue to collect those hearing aids, and bring them when you come to the Journey for Sight/Eyeglass extravaganza in April. Just remember to take out the batteries. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
IPDG Sue Fisher